Events are held weekly, beginning when the course opens in April and closes sometime in the fall, usually October. Our Saturday events are typically a single day tournament in which we either have an individual or team event. Teams may be either a twosome or foursome event, depending upon the schedule. Once the registration for the event is opened, an email will go to our members asking them to sign up and select a tee time. For the majority of our events, you may select your own tee time and other fellow participants within the same tee time.

A $15 fee is collected after the round from each participating member, which is used to cover the costs of prizes for the event. All Prizes are accrued for each of the events and paid out at the Annual Banquet at the end of the season.

Our Monday and Wednesday Morning events are more casual. Members will receive notification of the event are are asked to register. Tee times usually begin around 9:00 AM. Prior to the start of the event, participating members will select partners and a game will be created. A $5 fee will be collected for prizes, which will be distributed to the members at the conclusion of the round.
